Informationen on Fernfinanzdienstleistungsgesetz
Europäische Reiseversicherung AG
Kratochwjlestraße 4
A-1220 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 317 25 00
The company belongs to the Group of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Trieste, which is registered in the register of insurance groups of IVASS under no. 026.
Company profile
Contractual insurance and re-insurance within the scope approved by the insurance supervisory authority.
Principal Office
Entry number in Commercial Register
FN 55418y
Company register court
Vienna Commercial Court
Company form
Public limited company
Chairman of the Board
Mag. Wolfgang Lackner
Ownership structure
The share capital is divided into 10,000 (100.00%) registered shares.
Europ Assistance Austria Holding GmbH (EAAH), Vienna, holds 7,499 shares (74.99%).
ERGO Reiseversicherung AG, Munich, holds 2,501 shares (25.01%).
Stock exchange listing
Not listed. The registered capital as stated on the balance sheet date of 31.12.2000 is Euro 730,000 and is divided into 10,000 registered shares with a nominal value of Euro 73 each.
Data Processing Register number (DVR)
VAT number (UID)
ATU 15362408
Supervisory Authority
Financial Market Authority (FMA), Department: Insurance Supervision
1090 Vienna, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
Regulations under commercial law
Industrial code, Insurance Regulation Act (www.ris.bka.gv.at)
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Vienna
Verband der Versicherungsunternehmen Österreichs, Schwarzenbergplatz 7, A-1030 Vienna
Media owner
Europäische Reiseversicherung AG, Kratochwjlestraße 4, A-1220 Vienna
Information on Finance Service:
Detailed information on insurance products, benefits, travel insurance conditions, premiums as well as GTC for the
Conclusion of Insurance Contracts on the EUROPÄISCHE Website can be found on www.europaeische.at.
Information on Fernabsatzvertrag:
Right of withdrawal
For insurance contracts concluded through distance selling (via the EUROPÄISCHE website) with a term of one month or more, consumers have the right to withdraw without providing reasons within 14 days in writing to the contact address provided in the imprint. The dispatch date of the withdrawal is relevant for compliance with the withdrawal time limit. The withdrawal period shall start on the date on which the contract is concluded. If the customer only receives the contractual terms and conditions after conclusion of the contract, the withdrawal period shall begin on the date on which the contractual conditions are received. If the customer does not make use of the withdrawal right, the contract shall be deemed concluded for the relevant term.
Within the withdrawal period, EUROPÄISCHE shall only be permitted to fulfil the contract with the customer’s explicit consent. If the customer withdraws from the contract, mutually provided services (e.g. monetary amounts) and benefits drawn from these (e.g. interest) shall be returned. A time limit of 30 days shall apply: For the customer, from the date on which he/she sent the withdrawal declaration; for EUROPÄISCHE, from the date on which it received the withdrawal declaration. Furthermore, EUROPÄISCHE can immediately demand relevant agreed payments and cost compensation, if it has provided services for the customer before the withdrawal became valid. The withdrawal right shall lapse if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties and the customer has explicitly consented.
The withdrawal shall be addressed to:
Europäische Reiseversicherung AG
Kratochwjlestraße 4, A-1220 Vienna
E-mail: info@europaeische.at
Applicable law and legal jurisdiction:
Austrian law shall apply to all legal transactions between the parties.
For consumers, this choice of law shall only apply provided that this does remove the protection granted by statutory legal provisions of the state in which the consumer has his/her usual abode.
If the customer is an entrepreneur, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the registered office of EUROPÄISCHE shall be the sole legal jurisdiction for all disputes arising from insurance contracts concluded through the EUROPÄISCHE website. This shall also apply if the customer has no general legal jurisdiction in Austria or the EU or if his/her place of residence or usual abode are not known at the time of legal action being filed.
We also acknowledge the legal jurisdiction at the consumer’s place of residence.
Information on contract language:
The contract language is German. If the English-language version of the website is selected for the contract conclusion/application, English shall also be the contract language.
Dispute arbitration board:
The Association of Austrian Insurance Companies offers you free answers to legal questions regarding insurance contracts, solution proposals for insurance problems and assistance with complaints against insurance companies.
Association of Austrian Insurance Companies: www.vvo.at
EUROPÄISCHE acknowledges the out-of-court dispute arbitration board of the Internet Ombudsman: www.ombudsmann.at
Tele-Traveldoc and Emergency App
- Enter your policy number. In an emergency, it will be transmitted along with your current address via GPS tracking
- The shortest connection to the emergency call center, works even without internet access
- Tele-Traveldoc, a 24/7 connection to the Austrian doctor for quick medical advice when travelling
- Simple and quick transmission of a claim

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