Notification of data breach
What is the personal data breach?
“Data breach” means a breach of security that, whether unintentionally or unlawfully, results in the destruction, loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
Which types of Data Breaches may occur?
Loss of data: personal data is lost. Examples: lost mobile phone, lost notebook / USB stick / files with customer data; infestation of ransomware (a virus that encrypts data and allegedly releases data against payment);
Theft: for example, a data breach caused by theft of a notebook containing personal data;
Corporate infidelity: for example, personal data breach caused by an internal person who, having authorization to access personal data, produces a copy to be distributed in a public environment;
Unauthorized access: Unauthorized persons gain access to personal data, such as a hacker who succeeds in gaining access to a database;
The European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR) provides for, upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, the obligation to notify the breach to the competent Supervisory Authority no later than 72 hours from the awareness as well as the communication of such breach to the impacted data subjects.
With the aim to be compliant with the above indicated regulatory provisions and to ensure the protection of our stakeholders’ personal data, we have created the following section that enable you to report any suspected personal data breach.
We kindly ask you to fill the following section, selecting your profile typology (customer, employee, other, intermediary, supplier).
Any reported data breach will be examined immediately in strict confidence in accordance with legal requirements and our internal policies.
Please select
Tele-Traveldoc and Emergency App
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